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“My sincere thanks goes to Dr. Giuseppe Caruso for his encouragement and insightful comments regarding every aspect of being a researcher, he inspired me. Without his precious support it would not have been possible to conduct this research and write this thesis.”

“I thank the co-tutor of my thesis Dr. Giuseppe Caruso, a key figure for his valuable advice and for his patience for the writing of the thesis”

“I want to thank the co-tutor of my thesis Dr. Giuseppe Caruso. Without Dr. Caruso I would not even have imagined to finish this path; he has demonstrated all the qualities previously mentioned on Prof. Caraci, so I thank him infinitely and I hope that he will soon devote himself to teaching too”

“Dear Giuseppe, thank you for the precious time you spent for me so that my project could come to life and be completed. Thank you for listening to me, correcting and following me without too many expectations. The world of science should be full of people like you and I hope to continue following your projects even after my graduation”

“I want to thank Dr. Giuseppe Caruso, who has been collaborating with Prof. Lazzarino for several years, for allowing me to closely follow his experiments and taking part in many of them, which started years ago in the United States at the University of Kansas, focused on study of the protective effects of carnosine and of the therapeutic potential of this molecule for the treatment of diseases characterized by oxidative stress and inflammation. Besides the didactic point of view, I also want to thank him from a personal point of view because, in addition to being a tutor and having stimulated my desire to learn and know, he was a solid help during the activity in the lab and the drafting of the thesis; nothing would have been the same without him”

“I want to thank the co-tutor of my thesis Dr. Giuseppe Caruso for giving me the opportunity to get to know the interesting world of microfluidics, previously unknown to me.”

“I want to thank the co-tutor of my thesis, Dr. Giuseppe Caruso, who was essential for the experimental activities, as well as for drafting the thesis. I thank him for his patience and willingness”

“Many thanks also to the co-tutor of my thesis, Dr. Giuseppe Caruso, who with promptness, kindness and perseverance collaborated on the drafting of the thesis, despite his many commitments. I must thank him for his moral and material support, for his advice and suggestions that have encouraged me to do more and more. This relationship is determined by a profound mutual esteem that binds us and goes beyond the professional nature”